Playacar - Mexicana
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Todas las reseñas han sido verificadas y son compartidas por comensales que reservaron a traves de Sibaris.
Todas las reseñas han sido verificadas y son compartidas por comensales que reservaron a traves de Sibaris.

Elevating the native Mexican, small town, culinary wisdom to the rarified heights of international, haute cuisine, our top-notch chefs bring a mastery of hyperlocal flavors rivaled only by their artistry of presentation, secretly enhanced by select spices and herbs cultivated in our greenhouse. The House of AÏA is the first resort of its kind to prepare all our menus with plant-based ingredients, while still offering exquisite, non-vegan options. Our founder’s plant-based sensibilities merge with our Executive Chef’s inspired guidance to unveil fresh, seasonal menus that are intentionally prepared— covering a wide range of new flavors and traditional dishes.
